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eCommerce Loyalty: Tiered Rewards, Smart Segments, Upsell Offers

Boost eCommerce revenue, unlock upsells, and build a social brand by creating a rewarding customer experience as unique as your brand.

Connect with us today to see live programs!

Proud to Deliver 40%+ Engagement Boost and Double-Digit ROI for 300+ Top Brands

Screenshot of analytics dashboard showing key metrics and insights for an eCommerce loyalty program
Key Features
  • Real-time dashboards
  • Segmentation analysis
  • Campaign tracking
  • Predictive modeling
  • Customizable reports
  • Data integration
Optimized Use Cases
Screenshots showcasing gamification tools like leaderboards, challenges and VIP rewards
Key Features
  • Contest builder
  • Points & tiers
  • Achievement tracking
  • Referral incentives
  • VIP perks
  • Analytics dashboard
Optimized Use Cases
Screenshots of messaging tools for email, SMS, in-app, localization and analytics
Key Features
  • Omnichannel campaigns
  • Dynamic content
  • Behavioral triggers
  • Preference management
  • Localized messaging
  • Real-time insights
Optimized Use Cases
Screenshots showcasing AI-driven features for personalizing rewards, preventing fraud, and automating omnichannel campaigns
Key Features
  • Predictive analytics
  • Dynamic reward allocation
  • Customer segmentation
  • Fraud detection
  • Omnichannel automation
  • Real-time optimization
Optimized Use Cases
Diagram showing loyalty program integrations with various marketing and sales platforms
Key Features
  • CRM sync
  • POS integration
  • Social media
  • Email platforms
  • Analytics tools
  • Referral tracking
Optimized Use Cases
Client Testimonial

"NextBee has been tremendous in putting in place all the variables for us to be successful!”

Mary Veloske Vice President

Highlighted Use Cases

Tailor the Program to Your Custom Needs to Get Best Results

Line chart icon
Real-time Program Monitoring

Track key loyalty metrics and optimize in real-time with dashboards.

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User group icon
Customer Segmentation Analysis

Identify high-value segments and personalize offers for increased ROI.

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Megaphone icon
Campaign Performance Tracking

Measure loyalty campaign results and adjust tactics for maximum impact.

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Medal icon
Interactive Contests & Challenges

Gamify loyalty with exciting competitions that drive participation.

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Gem stone icon
Tiered Points & Rewards

Motivate and retain customers with a points economy and tiered perks.

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Trophy icon
Engaging Customer Achievements

Incentivize behaviors and purchases with badges, milestones, and levels.

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Chat bubbles icon
Omnichannel Loyalty Campaigns

Reach customers on preferred channels with consistent loyalty messaging.

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ID card icon
Personalized Loyalty Content

Tailor loyalty content and offers based on customer data and behaviors.

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Bell notification icon
Triggered Loyalty Communications

Send real-time messages based on customer actions and milestones.

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Robot icon
AI-Driven Loyalty Predictions

Anticipate customer churn and next best actions for proactive outreach.

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Gift icon
Smart Reward Allocation

Automatically optimize loyalty rewards to individual customer value.

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Sitemap icon
ML-Powered Audience Segmentation

Leverage machine learning to create high-impact customer micro-segments.

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User profile icon
Unified Customer Profile Data

Sync data bi-directionally between the loyalty platform and CRM.

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Cash register icon
Omnichannel Transaction Tracking

Capture member purchases and points across in-store and online POS.

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User group icon
Social Loyalty Amplification

Enable loyalty actions and rewards across social media platforms.

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Brain icon
Predictive Customer Modeling

Anticipate customer behavior and proactively engage to drive loyalty.

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Report file icon
Customized Loyalty Reporting

Generate bespoke loyalty reports for different stakeholders and needs.

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Link icon
Cross-platform Data Integration

Unify customer data across systems for a 360-degree member view.

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User friends icon
Social Referral Incentives

Turn customers into advocates with attractive friend referral rewards.

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Crown icon
Exclusive VIP Experiences

Delight and activate high-value customers with premium VIP benefits.

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Bar chart icon
Gamification Performance Insights

Track gamified loyalty tactics and optimize for engagement and ROI.

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Slider controls icon
Preference-Driven Messaging

Let customers control communication frequency and channels for loyalty.

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Map marker icon
Geo-targeted Loyalty Messaging

Deliver location-relevant loyalty content, offers and promotions.

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Open envelope icon
Loyalty Messaging Analytics

Gain visibility into loyalty messaging performance and member engagement.

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Shield icon
Intelligent Loyalty Fraud Detection

Identify and prevent loyalty fraud with smart pattern recognition.

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Sync icon
Cross-channel Loyalty Automation

Orchestrate loyalty experiences across touchpoints with AI-driven tools.

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Dashboard guage icon
Real-time Loyalty Optimization

Continuously test and improve all aspects of the loyalty program.

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Paper airplane icon
Cross-channel Loyalty Messaging

Integrate loyalty communications across email, mobile, web and more.

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Database icon
Importing External Loyalty Data

Combine loyalty data with other external marketing data sources.

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Add user icon
End-to-end Referral Tracking

Link referral codes through the full loyalty member acquisition flow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our platform offers a suite of capabilities to motivate and reward desired customer behaviors. This includes engaging contests and challenges, a flexible points economy, and targeted offers and communications. Powerful analytics then enable you to track and optimize program performance.

We enable deep personalization through a combination of rich customer data, configurable tiers and benefits, and dynamic segmentation. This allows you to present tailored offers, rewards, and content to each member based on factors like customer value, interests and lifecycle stage.

Our platform will help you identify and engage your highest value customers through features like predictive analytics to prevent churn, exclusive VIP experiences, and intelligent reward allocation. We'll partner with you to design a differentiated program that keeps your best customers loyal.

Yes, we support omnichannel loyalty across digital and physical touchpoints. This includes integrated POS tracking, synchronized CRM data, social loyalty features, and messaging across email, web, mobile and more. We'll help you deliver connected member experiences.

We are your strategic loyalty partner, not just a software vendor. Our experienced team will work closely with you to define program objectives, design high-impact features, integrate data and systems, and launch engaging marketing campaigns. Post-launch, you'll have a dedicated success manager.

We offer both initial onboarding and ongoing support to maximize your success. This starts with in-depth training sessions tailored to each user group. You'll then have access to on-demand support resources and a dedicated success manager as your main point of contact.

Protecting customer data is a top priority. Our platform employs enterprise-grade security with features like data encryption, fraud monitoring, and secure API protocols. We also provide tools to manage compliance with GDPR, CCPA and other regulations. Our team will work with you to configure appropriate settings.

Our platform is highly configurable to align with your unique brand and program structure. This includes visual customization of the UI and communications, flexible earning and redemption rules, and integration with your existing marketing tech stack. We'll tailor the experience to your needs.

While every program is unique, our streamlined implementation process can have you up and running in weeks, not months. We'll work efficiently with your team to define requirements, complete integrations, and prepare the program for launch. Post-launch, we'll continue iterating and optimizing.

Our clients typically see significant increases in core program KPIs like enrollment, activation, and redemption rates, as well as business metrics like purchase frequency, basket size, and customer lifetime value. We'll work with you to define your goals and track performance.